Monday, 31 December 2007

I am still alive - honest!

I hang my head in shame - a shame that has the name laziness. I have not blogged for a whole two months, but there is a reason, honest.

I left school with six O levels - two C's, two D's and two E's. Appalling when you consider the grief that I have given my sixteen year old about qualifications. I have done various bits since. I got my Certificate of School Business Management last year and my diploma with the Institute of Administrative Management. There have been various others along the way, but nothing that ever amounted to anything.

So I have taken my (lack of) education in my hands and I have signed up for a degree with the OU in History - my favourite subject, which is weird as a I hated it at school. So I have all the books etc., and it 'officially' starts in February, but I have made a start on it already. I am doing 'Exploring History - Medieval to Modern' and I am terrified.

As I sit there in the dead of night pouring over these books, I secretly think to myself, what if I can't do it, what if I fail miserably. I have to get 360 points to get a degree with honours. This course is worse 60 and I did a foundation course with them years ago and I have 60 points from that, but I still have 240 points to go - such a daunting task. I know I should take it one step at a time, but what if.......................................I know useless to think like that, I can do anything is I put my mind to it.

So there you go - that's where I've been and that's where I'm going. I will keep you updated on my (very slow) progress.





I just left school.....

Glad yer back n good luck wi't studyin'.

Have a crackin' 08 babe x

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Good for you! My degree is history too.


You're still recovering from New Years Eve then? ;-)

rilly super said...

happy new year secrerary, and very best wishes for the course

M&M, I hope 'my degree is history' doesn't mean they took it off you for some reason..


Is this now becoming an annual event?

I did once know a secretary who took 4 months to write a letter. (Mind you, in fairness, she was in hospital for three and a half of those after a contrtemps with a bus....)


christ she's still not sober....

even I'm impressed...


gimme back me vodka yer drunk!!!!

you ok babe?


Hellooooo....anybody home?

DILLIGAF said...

You're not are you? You're the living dead.

Fuck me I'm talking to a zombie.

Secretary to the living dead.

Shall I call the police? (not a lot of point I know but whatever)