I hang my head in shame - a shame that has the name laziness. I have not blogged for a whole two months, but there is a reason, honest.
I left school with six O levels - two C's, two D's and two E's. Appalling when you consider the grief that I have given my sixteen year old about qualifications. I have done various bits since. I got my Certificate of School Business Management last year and my diploma with the Institute of Administrative Management. There have been various others along the way, but nothing that ever amounted to anything.
So I have taken my (lack of) education in my hands and I have signed up for a degree with the OU in History - my favourite subject, which is weird as a I hated it at school. So I have all the books etc., and it 'officially' starts in February, but I have made a start on it already. I am doing 'Exploring History - Medieval to Modern' and I am terrified.
As I sit there in the dead of night pouring over these books, I secretly think to myself, what if I can't do it, what if I fail miserably. I have to get 360 points to get a degree with honours. This course is worse 60 and I did a foundation course with them years ago and I have 60 points from that, but I still have 240 points to go - such a daunting task. I know I should take it one step at a time, but what if.......................................I know useless to think like that, I can do anything is I put my mind to it.
So there you go - that's where I've been and that's where I'm going. I will keep you updated on my (very slow) progress.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
My lovely 16 year old son is trying to get a job. Just something at weekends and evenings to put some money in his pocket whilst he studies for his A Levels and to pay his tutor.
OK, I know he is only 16, but he has 10 good GCSE's - what more d0 these people want.
How is a school leaver supposed to get a job. Personally, I am all for students staying on at school or going to college or getting an apprenticeship instead of just leaving school at 16 - it's too young to be out in the big wide world.
I know that we are in a different situation as he is still at school so work is not such a big issue yet, but it just seems so hard and my sympathies are with any 16 year old out there trying to make their way in world.
Never mind, I don't really think he wants a job, I mean that would ruin his social life!
- He has applied to Tescos - we have a large one near by - not recruiting at present.
- He has applied to Ikea - we have a new one near by - not interested in him, he's too young.
- He has applied to the Amazon distribution centre - just near by, heard nothing.
- He has applied to MacDonalds - surely they must want him - NO!
- He has applied to Costco - too young.
- He has applied to PC World - heard nothing.
- He has applied to Argos - heard nothing.
- He has applied to Starbucks - nothing.
OK, I know he is only 16, but he has 10 good GCSE's - what more d0 these people want.
How is a school leaver supposed to get a job. Personally, I am all for students staying on at school or going to college or getting an apprenticeship instead of just leaving school at 16 - it's too young to be out in the big wide world.
I know that we are in a different situation as he is still at school so work is not such a big issue yet, but it just seems so hard and my sympathies are with any 16 year old out there trying to make their way in world.
Never mind, I don't really think he wants a job, I mean that would ruin his social life!
Monday, 1 October 2007
Blinking Flip
Blinking flip - I shan't swear here - I'm bigger than that, but I mean, bloody hell!
My house is fairly new - in terms of historic England and graded buildings, lets face it, it's 6½ years old - a mere baby. But what it has is death watch beetle. How in the name of hells teeth does a 6½ year old house get death watch beetle.
My house is a dolls house to look at - three storeys high with a front door in the middle. The front door has a porch or sorts. An A frame roof with wood down to a half-height brick wall. A neighbour called and point out that we had all these grubs in a crevice in the wood work and it had all gone soft (no husband jokes please!).
Called the insurance - nor you're not covered for insect damage (what if they were in a joist I ask), called Rent-a-Kill - not interested, called pest control at the council - are you in a council house, no, then go away. Thankfully we have a god of a man who works at school - the site manager. He has been round, measured up (no husband jokes please!) and said he will replace all the wood on the porch, I just need to buy him a drink.
Some times there are people out there who do things for you and then you really see who your friends are - like I say, he's a god as a far as I am concerned.
Husband couldn't do it - feel free to make husband joke!!!
Monday, 24 September 2007
I apologise. I have no lame excuses or fantastic whirlwind life that means I could get away with not blogging. I'll be honest with you, I've just been too lazy.
So school has started back (I know ages ago, and we're nearly at half-term....yippee), since my last post I will fill you in on what's been going on.
My eldest got his GCSE results. He was so nervous the night before. He sleep walks when he is worried, so I know he was worried. We live in a three story house and the boys live on the top floor, so when he have one of his nocturnal jaunts we have to make sure he doesn't fall down stairs! In the morning he was up at 5.00am when we couldn't collect them until 11.00. In the car on the way there we said nothing. When we arrived at the school he asked me not to get out. All the other parents that I knew were hovering outside the school waiting for their kids to come out, so there was no way I was staying in the car. I paid for this education with my taxes, I have made you a packed lunch every day for 11 years and driven you backwards and forwards to school. I have paid for countless sets of uniform and school trips. I have attended every parents evening, helped you with homework and revised with you late into every night - and you think I am staying in the car!
He managed 5 B's and 5 C's and this has given him a sharp kick in the pants. Not that B's and C's are not good, I am incredibly proud of him and that he managed to get them, but when his friends came out and they were all comparing notes, he was the only one with out a single A.
He has gone back into the sixth form to do his A Levels. He is doing Maths, Physics, Geography and Economics. Unfortunately he got a C at GCSE Maths and they like you to have a B if you are going to do it at A level. So I have hired him a tutor. The tutor gave him one lesson and said he doesn't stand a chance. So his Dad and I said that he needs to choose another subject. No, he wants his A level in Maths. So we paid the tutor for 5 lessons and he came back for an hour every night. At the end of the week he said that he could get a D now, still best to drop it. No, he wants his A level Maths. So he has got himself a weekend job to pay the tutor himself and he is having two lessons a week. He is determined - he told me that someone telling him he couldn't do something has made him determined to show them wrong.
I think that he has learned a valuable lesson already and I am very proud of him.
So school has started back (I know ages ago, and we're nearly at half-term....yippee), since my last post I will fill you in on what's been going on.
My eldest got his GCSE results. He was so nervous the night before. He sleep walks when he is worried, so I know he was worried. We live in a three story house and the boys live on the top floor, so when he have one of his nocturnal jaunts we have to make sure he doesn't fall down stairs! In the morning he was up at 5.00am when we couldn't collect them until 11.00. In the car on the way there we said nothing. When we arrived at the school he asked me not to get out. All the other parents that I knew were hovering outside the school waiting for their kids to come out, so there was no way I was staying in the car. I paid for this education with my taxes, I have made you a packed lunch every day for 11 years and driven you backwards and forwards to school. I have paid for countless sets of uniform and school trips. I have attended every parents evening, helped you with homework and revised with you late into every night - and you think I am staying in the car!
He managed 5 B's and 5 C's and this has given him a sharp kick in the pants. Not that B's and C's are not good, I am incredibly proud of him and that he managed to get them, but when his friends came out and they were all comparing notes, he was the only one with out a single A.
He has gone back into the sixth form to do his A Levels. He is doing Maths, Physics, Geography and Economics. Unfortunately he got a C at GCSE Maths and they like you to have a B if you are going to do it at A level. So I have hired him a tutor. The tutor gave him one lesson and said he doesn't stand a chance. So his Dad and I said that he needs to choose another subject. No, he wants his A level in Maths. So we paid the tutor for 5 lessons and he came back for an hour every night. At the end of the week he said that he could get a D now, still best to drop it. No, he wants his A level Maths. So he has got himself a weekend job to pay the tutor himself and he is having two lessons a week. He is determined - he told me that someone telling him he couldn't do something has made him determined to show them wrong.
I think that he has learned a valuable lesson already and I am very proud of him.
Monday, 13 August 2007

I have been on holiday. My husband surprised me by whisking me off for two weeks in Florida. So, that's why I haven't been here!
We did not 'do' Disney etc., as we have been to Florida many a time and quite frankly if I see one more person in a mouse costume I am likely to swing for them.
What we did do was, Busch Gardens, Universal Islands of Adventure and Epcot (I know, Disney, but not Mickey Mouse Disney), for the Husband and the boys as they like the rides. I do not so they park me somewhere in the sun with my book and a steady supply of Margaritas and then come and carry me home at the end - everyone is happy!
We also did Cirque Du Soleil - which we have never done before and it was amazing and well worth the money to get in.
We did the Titanic Exhibition - OK, but the same as the one that was in London a year or so ago.
But best of all, we went and saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour launch at Kennedy, which was truly amazing. We arrived two hours before the launch in Titusville and stopped at a local petrol station and asked for the best place to see the launch but avoid the Space Centre itself. They directed us to Merritt Island, which is part of the Space Centre, but free and the opposite side of the river to the launch site. Off we went and found the entrance and drove for what seemed like ages until we came to Manatee Landing. There were quite a few other people there, but all locals, and we struck up some good conversations with some very nice people. The Manatees came right up to the viewing platform and then two dolphins came up the river and were circling the fish and had them leaping out of the water and jumping to catch them - I know it a very Disney saying, but it was magical. Well worth the two hour wait, plenty of entertainment from the locals, the Manatees and the dolphins - just brilliant.
We did a lot of shopping. I have another new Louis Vuitton bag which I love. I also got a new iPod as its all cheaper out there.
All in all absolute bliss. I am recharged and refreshed and ready for anything!
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