Wednesday, 9 May 2007

How Rude

How rude of - I have just realised that it was seven days between the last post and the previous one. Please accept my apologise for my tardiness!


Mutterings and Meanderings said...

I don't think it's tardiness Secretary - I think it's called having a life! ;)

MommyHeadache said...

What were you doing that was so amusing to you that you felt you could neglect us so ?? ;)

The Secretary said...

I was shampooing my carpets!!! Grrrrr

Anonymous said...

Mutterings and Meanderings nailed it in one! You have children, a demanding job and a fun blog - that makes you Superwoman as far as I'm concerned!

Me, I'm happy if I manage to leave the house without my knickers tucked into my skirt!